Lymphatic drainage
The blood vessels provide the blood supply, the lymphatic vessels the disposal of tissue fluid. Both systems complement each other. If the lymphatic channels are disturbed, swellings form because the tissue water is not sufficiently removed. Swelling is particularly common after injuries and operations, but also in many vascular diseases. The medical profession refers to this symptom as "edema" or, more precisely, "lymphedema". With lymphatic drainage, the physiotherapist stimulates the natural lymphatic function so that the tissue water is pumped out more effectively. The most important principle of lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique. The term "manual lymphatic drainage" (MLD) means simple massage; "complex physical decongestive therapy" includes other steps.

The blood vessels provide the blood supply, the lymphatic vessels the disposal of tissue fluid. Both systems complement each other. If the lymphatic channels are disturbed, swellings form because the tissue water is not sufficiently removed. Swelling is particularly common after injuries and operations, but also in many vascular diseases.
The medical profession calls the symptom "edema" or more precisely "lymphedema". With lymphatic drainage, the physiotherapist stimulates the natural lymphatic function so that the tissue water is pumped out more effectively. The most important principle of lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique. The term "manual lymphatic drainage" (MLD) means simple massage; "complex physical decongestive therapy" includes other steps.

Co-founder and Managing Director of Massage Chair World. With his expert knowledge and industry expertise, he helps private individuals and companies to find the right massage chairs for relaxation, health and vitality. The individual expert advice is provided both by telephone or video chat, as well as in the exhibition outside Stuttgart.