Joint pain: possible causes, and how sufferers can find relief

Joint pain is an often underestimated and highly prevalent condition. A closer look is surprising, because millions of people of all ages are confronted with it every day. As the German Society for Rheumatology points out, rheumatoid arthritis actually affects about 700,000 adults in Germany alone in 2023. That's about 0.8 to 1.2 percent of the adult population, which highlights the extent of this health problem. The causes of joint pain can be varied, but there are promising approaches to relieve it, and massages are unsurprisingly among a wholly natural treatment option. In this article, we would like to provide an overview of joint pain as well as osteoarthritis as the most common cause of it. Also...

Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Joint pain is an often underestimated and highly prevalent condition. A closer look is surprising, because millions of people of all ages are confronted with it every day. As the German Society for Rheumatology indicates, around 700,000 adults in Germany alone will actually be affected by rheumatoid arthritis in 2023. That is about 0.8 to 1.2 percent of the adult population, which illustrates the extent of this health problem.

The causes of joint pain can be varied, but there are promising approaches to relief, and massages are unsurprisingly among a wholly natural treatment option. 

In this article we would like to give an overview of joint pain as well as osteoarthritis as the most common cause of it. We will also take a closer look at the consequences and how massage works in this context. 

Please note that this article is not a substitute for medical advice and you should always consult your treating physician for medical questions in order to get the best solution for your individual situation.


Reading tip: From head to toe: How massages help


What is osteoarthritis and how is it related to joint pain?

Joint pain, especially in the hip area, can often be dismissed as general wear and tear. But that's exactly what describes osteoarthritis; it's a common joint disease that manifests as "wear and tear" or "wear and tear" on the joints. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that covers the joints and normally acts as a shock absorber is broken down. This cartilage breakdown can lead to pain, stiffness and limitations in joint mobility.

Those affected often hear that only the use of a new joint can provide relief. However, health insurance companies are sounding the alarm and pointing out that in many cases, surgery is performed too often without investigating the actual causes of the pain. 

However, a closer look through an X-ray quickly reveals that the normal joint space located between the joint surfaces is reduced or, in the worst case, no longer exists. The bones of the joint meet, rub against each other and cause pain. But no one is doomed to live with this pain. Surgery should always be the last step.


What are the causes of joint pain and osteoarthritis and how do they manifest themselves?

The course of a joint pain disease is often gradual. Typical signs may include painful twisting movements, pain when putting on shoes, swelling in the joint region, redness and difficulty walking. Joint pain due to cartilage wear usually occurs from the age of 50, but pain can also occur in younger patients before there is any talk of wear. 

The sign of wear is usually promoted by mechanical incorrect loading. Causes can be overweight, but also poor movement patterns due to underdeveloped muscles or pain. Because tension or discomfort often cause us to move slightly differently than we would in a healthy state - this can also lead to osteoarthritis in the long term.


What helps against joint pain?

If arthrosis is present, there has normally already been a deficient mechanical process for a long time. The first step, which must therefore not go unmentioned, is "prevention". Everyone can contribute to lowering the risk of joint disease themselves. 

Regular exercise promotes blood circulation and supplies tendons, cartilage and joints with important nutrients. A balanced diet that avoids alcohol, fatty foods and excessive meat consumption can also reduce the risk of disease. 

If you are already suffering from pain, these tips are still recommended, but they will not relieve the pain in the short term. They only promote the regeneration and rebuilding of the joints in the "worn" areas. So what else can you do for joint pain?

An effective measure to eliminate malpositions caused by incorrect posture in everyday life is muscle building. It is also essential to eliminate tension that promotes asymmetrical loading. And this is where massage comes into play.


Massages as a possible form of therapy for joint pain

Massage aims to increase blood circulation in the affected area, reduce inflammation and relieve tension. Thus, it can also help to relieve pain and increase the mobility of aching joints again. Step by step, you as a sufferer can approach a healthy movement pattern that can reduce discomfort and relieve pain.  

Furthermore, massage stimulates the release of endorphins. Quasi an endogenous painkiller that can create a feeling of relaxation and well-being. The combination of physiological and psychological effects makes massage a valuable form of therapy for joint pain and osteoarthritis, although it does not promise a cure. 

The positive effect of massages as an accompanying form of therapy for joint pain is partly still viewed critically today. Mainly due to a lack of comprehensive studies, which is why this question was recently addressed in an US-American study recently examined this question more closely. The researchers from Florida conducted a comprehensive search for studies in which the influence of massage on pain and the function of the affected joints was systematically analyzed. The results of the analysis were promising:

"Massage leads to greater reduction in pain and improvement in joint function compared to other non-active therapies."

However, massages have a positive effect not only on existing complaints, but also in particular in the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis. 

Each and every one of us can take precautions to minimize the risk of joint diseases. Therefore, pay special attention to the following factors to keep your joints healthy and mobile for a long time:

  • Ergonomic posture: If you sit a lot or work at a computer, an ergonomic workstation design is important. Take regular breaks for stretching exercises. A spontaneous massage is ideal for this and a massage chair is therefore virtually predestined.
  • Stress Relief: Stress can negatively affect joints, but also your movement patterns as a whole. Find ways to relax, such as meditation and massage.
  • Exercise: Regular, gentle exercises maintain the mobility of your joints and strengthen the supporting muscles.
  • Healthy diet: A balanced diet with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and anti-inflammatory foods such as fish, nuts, berries and turmeric can also reduce the risk of joint inflammation.

Joint pain - there is relief

Sufferers often know it all too well. Joint pain and osteoarthritis can have a significant impact on your life, but there are ways to relieve the pain and improve your quality of life. 

Massages stood out as a natural and effective method to fight joint pain and find relief. In summary, massage is a gentle and natural way to relieve joint pain and improve mobility. It can definitely help improve your quality of life, reduce pain and lower the far too high number of sufferers in this country. 

Reading Tip: Muscle pain after massages - What are the reasons and how can you avoid them?

Take your health into your own hands and discuss massage with your treating physician as an alternative and adjunctive form of therapy for joint pain.

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Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Co-founder and Managing Director of Massage Chair World. With his expert knowledge and industry expertise, he helps private individuals and companies to find the right massage chairs for relaxation, health and vitality. The individual expert advice is provided both by telephone or video chat, as well as in the exhibition outside Stuttgart.