Healthy relaxation thanks to long-term hygiene with PUREMANENT

Massage chair world brings with courage and new ideas the business and its customers germ-free through Corona times Hygiene has reached a new dimension in our lives since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Compliance with strict regulations is not only economically vital for the survival of many a business in everyday life. Massagesessel Welt in Remshalden near Stuttgart has been concerned with the necessary cleanliness of its products ever since it opened its store. Especially in the exhibition, where customers can "test relax", hygiene is an important factor. "Real relaxation can only be achieved when the mind is free. That is why sterility has always been a challenge...

Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Massage chair world brings with courage and new ideas the business and its customers germ-free through Corona times

Hygiene has taken on a new dimension in our lives since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Compliance with strict regulations is not only economically vital for the survival of many a company in everyday life. Massagesessel Welt in Remshalden near Stuttgart has been concerned with the necessary cleanliness of its products ever since it opened its store. Especially in the exhibition, where customers can "test relax", hygiene is an important factor. "Real relaxation can only be achieved when the mind is free. That's why sterility has always been a challenge for us," says owner Michael Roedeske, who runs his business with passion and, together with his partner Manuela Radu, is always coming up with new ideas and concepts for massage chairs.

Worry-free and cost-saving wellness factor

Hygiene measures recommended by the BZgA for companies

"We know from our commercial customers that surface disinfection in public areas such as hospitals and social facilities is time-consuming and costly. This is also a problem in gyms, reception areas or relaxation islands in companies," Roedeske knows. "Disinfection after every use is time-consuming and not suitable for everyday use. This market would have completely collapsed for us without suitable hygiene products," he is certain. In his search for a suitable product for the surfaces of the massage chairs, he came across the company TERGIMUS named after the Latin term tergere = to clean. Both companies are concerned about health and sustainability, so cooperation was an obvious choice. The PUREMANENT medical cleanser is water-based, and there are also plans to fill it in bottles made of marine plastic.PUREMANENT Long-term proof of efficacy

"It has been clinically proven that after a single application, sterility is ensured for up to seven days, even for SARS-CoV-2 viruses. Intermediate disinfection is no longer necessary," explains TERGIMUS founder and owner Christian Thuß, adding that the Chair of Microbiology at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg has confirmed the agent's antimicrobial depot effect. "The customer benefit is huge. Multiple daily surface disinfections are no longer necessary, and at the same time the active depot prevents new colonization by germs," says Roedeske.

Application on massage chair surfaces such as artificial and genuine leather

Paint rub-off test with PUREMANENT logntime protect surface disinfectant

"Our own test series have proven that there is a clear difference compared to alcohol-based disinfectants. Sensitive surfaces such as artificial or genuine leather show no color abrasion, and there is no color change or shading in light colors," explains Manuela Radu. She carried out the test series herself in the massage chair world and is certain that the PUREMANENT products make their contribution to protecting health - not least because of the time saved and a cost reduction of over 60% compared to the use of commercially available surface disinfectants.

Now directly to the TERGIMUS products in our store.

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Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Co-founder and Managing Director of Massage Chair World. With his expert knowledge and industry expertise, he helps private individuals and companies to find the right massage chairs for relaxation, health and vitality. The individual expert advice is provided both by telephone or video chat, as well as in the exhibition outside Stuttgart.