What is sarcoidosis? Symptoms, causes and how massages can help

Sarcoidosis is a disease that many people are not even aware of, although it affects millions of people worldwide. The insidious thing is that it can affect various organs and often manifests itself with diffuse symptoms such as fatigue or joint pain - typical symptoms of Boeck's disease, as sarcoidosis is also known. Many sufferers only find out at a late stage that these symptoms are due to an inflammatory disease. But what exactly is behind this mysterious disease? In this article, you will find out more about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for sarcoidosis - and how massages, including massage chairs, can provide support. The fact that they can actually help you with a variety of...

Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Sarcoidosis is a disease that many people are not even aware of, although it affects millions of people worldwide. The insidious thing is that it can affect various organs and often manifests itself with diffuse symptoms such as fatigue or joint pain - typical symptoms of Boeck's disease, as sarcoidosis is also known. Many sufferers only find out at a late stage that these symptoms are due to an inflammatory disease. But what exactly is behind this mysterious disease?

In this article, you can find out more about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for sarcoidosis - and how massages, including in the form of massage chairs, can have a supportive effect. You can read in our article "From head to toe, massages can help" that they can actually support you with a variety of complaints.

Please noteThis article does not replace medical advice. Please consult a healthcare professional if you have any health complaints.

Sarcoidosis: What is it anyway?

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease in which small nodules of inflammatory tissue, known as granulomas, form in various organs. These granulomas can impair the function of the affected organs. In medical circles, the disease is also known as Boeck's disease. It usually occurs in the lungs, but can also affect the skin, eyes or joints. A distinction is made between two forms: acute and chronic. 

Acute sarcoidosis occurs suddenly and often subsides without treatment. Chronic sarcoidosis, on the other hand, lasts longer and requires more intensive therapy. The type of sarcoidosis also influences the symptoms and the choice of the appropriate sarcoidosis therapy.

Forms of sarcoidosis: acute or chronic?

First of all, it is important to understand that sarcoidosis manifests itself in two main forms, which differ in their course and severity. The acute sarcoidosisalso known as Löfgren's syndrome, occurs suddenly and is often characterized by fever, swollen lymph nodes and joint pain. Many sufferers also report painful skin changes, such as red lumps on the legs, known to doctors as erythema nodosum. This form often subsides on its own within a few months, but should still be examined by a doctor.

The chronic sarcoidosis on the other hand, develops slowly and often persists for years. It can affect almost any organ and in many cases leads to persistent symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue and sarcoidosis muscle pain. Medical support is essential here in order to avoid complications.

Sarcoidosis: symptoms and signs

Close-up of a woman holding her breast.

In any case, it is known that the lungs and the airways are most frequently affected. Coughing, shortness of breath or a feeling of pressure in the chest are therefore common symptoms of sarcoidosis. However, sufferers also often complain of general symptoms such as extreme tiredness, fever, night sweats or sarcoidosis-related joint pain. joint painwhich can have a considerable impact on everyday life.

Another characteristic symptom is changes to the skin, such as scaly patches or reddish nodules. Such symptoms, which may indicate Boeck's disease, often make diagnosis difficult. If eyes are affected, sensitivity to light, redness and visual disturbances can occur. The range of symptoms - from muscle pain to organ involvement - makes the diagnosis of sarcoidosis particularly challenging. It often takes months or even years before a clear confirmation is available.

Reading tip: Learn more about the treatment of migratory joint pain in our article "Wandering joint pain - causes and help".

Causes and development of sarcoidosis

The question of the causes of sarcoidosis remains a mystery. A dysregulation of the immune systemis suspected, which is triggered by genetic predisposition, infections or environmental factors. Some research shows that certain bacteria or viruses could act as triggers. However, the question has not yet been fully clarified.

Another factor could be chronic stress which weakens the immune system and promotes inflammatory processes in the body - a common cause of sarcoidosis symptoms such as muscle pain. It is therefore particularly important for people with a stressful everyday life to take preventative measures - for example through relaxation exercises or regular exercise.

However, it can be a long road from the development of the disease to final confirmation by medical professionals. So how do those affected get a reliable diagnosis?

The diagnosis of sarcoidosis - often a lengthy puzzle

Physician who analyzes blood samples.

The path to a diagnosis of sarcoidosis is often complicated. As symptoms such as joint pain or fatigue also occur with other diseases, it often takes a long time before a clear diagnosis is made.

The diagnosis usually begins with a thorough medical history and physical examination, during which symptoms and medical history are recorded. This is followed by imaging procedures such as X-rays or CT scans are used to visualize changes in the lungs or swollen lymph nodes. To confirm the diagnosis, a tissue sample is often taken to reveal granulomas - typical inflammatory cell clusters. Blood tests supplement the examinations by providing indications of inflammation and organ function.

The large number of tests shows that sarcoidosis requires precise diagnostics in order to determine the exact course and spread of the disease. In addition, numerous other possible diseases must first be ruled out on the way to diagnosis - a real challenge for doctors.

Risks and complications: When sarcoidosis attacks the body

While mild cases often remain free of complications, chronic sarcoidosis can have serious consequences. The lungs and heart are particularly at risk. Lung damage can lead to permanent shortness of breath, while inflammatory processes in the heart muscle can cause serious complications.

Other organs such as the eyes, the nervous system or the kidneys can also be affected. Such serious consequences show how important close medical monitoring and therapy are for sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis therapy and treatment options

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In mild cases, close observation is often sufficient, while more severe cases require drug treatment. Cortisone is the drug of choice as it effectively inhibits inflammation. If necessary, immunosuppressants are also used to regulate the overactive immune system.

Those affected can also become active themselves: Regular exercise, an anti-inflammatory diet and relaxation exercises hhelp to improve quality of life. Massages are a particularly effective method of relieving sarcoidosis muscle pain and reducing stress.

Reading tip: Find out more about the effect of massages on muscle pain in our article "Muscle pain all over the body".

How exactly do massages help with sarcoidosis?

Close-up of two hands massaging another hand.

Massages are particularly helpful if they are specifically tailored to the individual symptoms of the sarcoidosis in question. Gentle techniques such as lymphatic drainage help to reduce swelling and stimulate the lymphatic system. This can be particularly useful if those affected suffer from swollen lymph nodes or fluid retention.

Also joint-friendly types of massage such as the Swedish massage are also excellent for relieving tension and muscle pain caused by sarcoidosis without putting additional strain on sensitive areas. The gentle movements promote circulationwhich in turn can support the healing process. Especially in combination with other measures such as an anti-inflammatory diet and targeted exercise, massages improve well-being and quality of life.

Massages do not replace medical treatment, but they are a valuable addition to alleviate stress-related complaints. Particularly practical: the use of a massage chair can also be used regularly in everyday life.

Reading tip: Find out more in our article, how effective massages really are.

How you can prevent sarcoidosis

Anti-inflammatory diet for sarcoidosis.

First of all, it must be said that there is no direct prevention of sarcoidosis. Especially as the exact causes of the disease have not yet been fully researched. Nevertheless, there are a few measures you can take to help reduce the risk of chronic inflammation in the body and promote your general health. Unfortunately, these seemingly simple recommendations are often underestimated, but they are an essential key to preventing many of today's increasingly common complaints. 

  • Regular exercise strengthens the immune system and helps to keep the lymphatic system going.

  • Through Sarcoidosis nutrition you can support the healing process. It should be anti-inflammatory and rich in fresh foods such as vegetables, fruit and healthy fats. In this way, you actively contribute to strengthening your body.

  • Also stress management is also an important factor, as prolonged stress can promote inflammatory processes in the body. Relaxation methods such as yoga, meditation or the use of a massage chair for targeted relaxation can help to promote inner balance.

These approaches cannot consistently prevent sarcoidosis, but they can help to minimize the risk of inflammatory processes - so you reduce your risk of this and many other complaints. 

An interplay of knowledge and self-care

Sarcoidosis is a complex disease that raises many questions, but also shows how important it is to be aware of your own body. With the right medical care and supportive measures such as targeted exercise, relaxing massages or even the use of a massage chair, you can actively contribute to improving your well-being and health.

Your health is a combination of knowledge, self-care and small but effective steps in everyday life. Whether you relax your muscles with a lymphatic drainage session or retreat into a massage chair for a few moments - there are many ways to do something good for yourself and sometimes it doesn't take much to support the balance in your body. Your body will thank you for it!

Cover image: Elena Nazarova, other images: Doucefleur, 89Stocker, Tina Hsu, bit245


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Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Co-founder and Managing Director of Massage Chair World. With his expert knowledge and industry expertise, he helps private individuals and companies to find the right massage chairs for relaxation, health and vitality. The individual expert advice is provided both by telephone or video chat, as well as in the exhibition outside Stuttgart.