Company health management: Massages at Berger & Rentschler GmbH & Co. KG
On average, German office workers spend almost 80,000 hours sitting during their working lives. This alone shows the great influence that everyday working life has on our mobility and thus also on our health. Reason enough to take a closer look at occupational health care. From the point of view of employees, it is clear that this is about their own health. From the company's point of view, there is also the aspect of people as a resource, who perform less well or ultimately drop out more often if they have health problems. So health must be a top priority. To this end, we talked to Sebastian Rentschler, Managing Director at Berger & Rentschler GmbH & Co KG, the...

On average, German office workers spend almost 80,000 hours sitting during their working lives. This alone shows the great influence that everyday working life has on our mobility and thus also on our health. Reason enough to take a closer look at occupational health care. From the point of view of employees, it is clear that this is about their own health.
From the company's point of view, there is also the aspect of people as a resource, who perform less well or ultimately drop out more often if they have health problems. So health must be a top priority.
We talked to Sebastian Rentschler, Managing Director at Berger & Rentschler GmbH & Co KG, who specialize in creating high-quality video material for corporate presentations.
What role do ergonomic workstations play?
"A large part of the work in video production takes place directly in front of the PC. Even though we at Rentschler & Berger have long used ergonomic, height-adjustable workstations, the monotonous posture in front of the screens remains noticeable. Regular back exercises and breaks bring relief, but at the end of the day, tension is almost the rule.
As an employer, you are ultimately responsible for aspects of health and safety in the workplace, and looking after the well-being of employees ultimately benefits both sides. That's why our idea was to use the purchase of a massage chair to promote employee productivity on the one hand, and on the other hand also to increase our attractiveness as an employer to the outside world."
Massages and corporate health management - where are the advantages?
"There are basically always two points of view from which to look at this. From the employee's point of view, the offer was very well received and the feedback was extremely positive. Due to the predominantly sedentary nature of work in front of the screens, there are several plus points to be gained from a massage in between or even at the end of a long working day.
On the one hand, an interruption and change of posture in between is very welcome. The massage during working hours loosens budding tensions and thus increases the well-being. Taking a break from screens is another aspect that should not be underestimated, as the ability to concentrate lasts longer throughout the day if short, eye-saving periods are observed."
"From the employer's point of view, on the other hand, this leads to employees being more productive and efficient. Employees actively use the opportunity to take a break and do something good for themselves at the same time. Signals regarding the appreciation of employees also play a role in such measures.
In our case, it was perceived positively that we as a company actively want to contribute to the health and well-being of our colleagues. All in all, employees are more focused, motivated, valued and relaxed in their daily work.
And of course, it should not go unmentioned that there are company health promotion programs in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A tax benefit for measures to prevent health restrictions caused by everyday working life has an additional positive effect here from the company's point of view. In Germany, it is currently EUR 600 that can be subsidized here per employee."
That means the decision for the massage chair was easy?
"The decision-making process was quite quick, yes. As a business owner, I was interested in getting a complete solution where I didn't have to worry about anything else. The massage chair should be provided and then simply function and be maintained if necessary. I then discovered such an offer at Massagesessel Welt.
Thrilled by the online presence, I then immediately made an appointment, where all aspects were addressed on site. The advice was really well thought out and professional and - what I personally found extremely pleasant - also very oriented to individual requirements. Which body size and stature can be found among the employees, which preferences exist among the people and which body regions are possibly more stressed, or require increased attention during the massage.
Our employees were particularly impressed by functions that allow the massage to be adapted to different users or to the individual's body condition. Adjusting the massage intensity while the program is running is also a great feature that increases comfort.
In the end, it was not only the expertise and the high-quality model selection, but just the complete package with the professional services, such as delivery, installation, maintenance and training, that you want as a business owner."
Delivery and assembly went as expected
"Actually even better! A lot of things often sound obvious, but as an entrepreneur you really learn to appreciate accuracy, diligence and punctuality. Not many companies work as well as Massagesessel Welt. At 09:00 sharp, the team was at the door, mindfully laid everything out with fleece to protect the furnishings, gave a crisp and professional training session and everything was ready for the first relaxation sessions at our office. Really great."
Occupational health management as a win-win for employees and employers
"Of course, as a business owner, you also get feedback from your employees, and the feedback is uniformly positive and underscores that it was the right decision to bring a massage chair into the company. The employees seem happier, more relaxed, more energetic and the time off is more than compensated for by increased motivation and productivity. Complaints and associated sick leave are also reduced in the long term.Likewise, the image as an employer benefits additionally, because the massage chair has made its way through to new applicants and is a refreshing alternative to the HR measures of yesterday that tout a fruit basket as the greatest benefit. It's a win-win situation for all sides."
Many thanks to Sebastian Rentschler for the nice conversation about massage chairs in the context of company health management. We wish you continued success and restful, relaxing time out in your everyday office life at Berger & Rentschler GmbH und Co KG.

Co-founder and Managing Director of Massage Chair World. With his expert knowledge and industry expertise, he helps private individuals and companies to find the right massage chairs for relaxation, health and vitality. The individual expert advice is provided both by telephone or video chat, as well as in the exhibition outside Stuttgart.