From hand massager to Casada Titan massage chair - Tina reports

For many people, massages are a proven way to reduce everyday stress and promote physical relaxation. But the effect we expect from massages does not come exclusively from the massage itself, but also from additional factors surrounding the treatment itself. Tina has gone from hand massagers to regular massage appointments at a studio to now having her own massage chair. What the differences are here and why massages are not always as relaxing as we would like them to be, she reveals to us today. Tina also reports on her individual experience with Massage Chair World - from consultation to delivery....

Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

For many people, massages are a proven way to reduce everyday stress and promote physical relaxation. But the effect we expect from massages does not come exclusively from the massage itself, but also from additional factors surrounding the treatment itself. Tina has gone from hand massagers to regular massage appointments at a studio to now having her own massage chair.

What the differences are here and why massages are not always as relaxing as we would like them to be, she reveals to us today. Tina also tells us about her individual experience with Massage Chair World - from consultation to delivery. Like many, Tina's working posture in front of the computer is one of the main factors that lead to tension in the back and neck area.

Tina, you decided to get a massage chair, how did that come about?

Due to my job, I always have tension due to the sitting position in front of the computer. Partly in the back, partly in the neck and I therefore also needed regular massages. This was of course very time-consuming and one is not always so flexible. As a solution-oriented person, I therefore thought about how I could bring relaxation to my home and then came up with the idea of buying a massage chair.

Of course, I have also tried other things. Among other things, hand devices that are also supposed to be suitable for massaging certain areas of the body. I had to find out, however, that the handling alone already leads to renewed tension, because you are never really relaxed treated, but must guide the device permanently. Not at all easy once you've tried this for ten or twenty minutes straight. It's just not as pleasant as dropping into a massage chair, closing your eyes and immediately relaxing. It's a better way for me to wind down and forget about everyday life, and that was very important to me.

You went to our showroom for advice on massage chairs, how was that for you?

The great thing for me was that there was a really large selection. This was not limited to one price segment, but ranged from entry-level to high-end models. I was able to test where the differences were, how the models felt, and thus get a good picture. That way, I could also gradually decide for myself which functions are less important to me and which I absolutely want to have.

Very interesting for me was also to be able to feel directly; ok, this massage chair does not fit my body and me and the other model is just made for me. In this regard, the consultation was also necessary, during which it was emphasized again and again that the massage chair must really fit the personal preferences, but also the individual anatomy, in order to unfold its full effect. You quickly come to the realization that not every expensive high-end model is also the perfect choice, which was very exciting for me.

Two things that really struck me positively about the consultation were, on the one hand, that no pressure or artificial pressure to buy was created. You really took a lot of time without being pushy, I appreciate that in particular, what was also important to me is that if something should break, I have a competent contact person with whom I can also talk and who stands by me.

Other retailers tend to pass on the responsibility for this to the manufacturer, and as a customer you then feel relatively left alone. This was also noticeable in my queries via e-mail and telephone. Excellent accessibility and always competent and helpful - hence my purchase decision.

You chose the Casada Titan - why is that?

In fact, I had two models in the shortlist, whereby the feeling with the Titan was then decisive. I took a seat and it just fit perfectly. The second important criterion was the yoga stretch function, which stretches my back slightly in the opposite direction. This provides me with the ideal balance to the hours of sitting posture, in which I sit - as one should not actually do - always bent forward. All in all, the model was ideal for me.

Delivery and assembly have rounded off the purchase again

I was thrilled with that as well. The preparation was excellent and ranged from the inquiry of the door widths and spatial conditions to the layout of carpets to protect against damage. The work was done very professionally and carefully and finally there was a briefing with helpful tips so that I can start right away perfectly into my first massage in my own four walls.

So you definitely prefer the massage chair to the hand massager in the future?

You can count on it! In retrospect, the hand massager probably gave me as much tension as I originally wanted to eliminate. I appreciate my new Casada Titan a lot more. I can really only repeat myself here and summarize how great the experience was to discover the right model for myself and with this warm and professional advice. This will make my workday a little more relaxed and I'm already looking forward to it - thank you very much.

We also thank Tina for the nice conversation, but also the trust in Massage Chair World and wish many more relaxing evenings with the new Casada Titan.

Find out more about the featured Casada Titan massage chair

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Michael Roedeske
Owner of the massage chair world

Co-founder and Managing Director of Massage Chair World. With his expert knowledge and industry expertise, he helps private individuals and companies to find the right massage chairs for relaxation, health and vitality. The individual expert advice is provided both by telephone or video chat, as well as in the exhibition outside Stuttgart.